Wednesday 13th December
As we write this note on Tuesday afternoon, we anticipate that school will be open tomorrow morning. Our Site Team have done a fantastic job clearing all of our extensive network of internal paths. However, the drive, car-parks and lay-bys remain treacherous in spite of repeated gritting and salting, and the A5 path is not great either. We will be on site early tomorrow morning again (Wednesday) to do a final inspection before confirming our decision. We do understand that people would appreciate a decision on the evening before, but the only firm, early decision we could make which still guaranteed everyone’s safety would be ‘Close’, and we wish to avoid that if we possibly can. Assuming that we can open tomorrow as we wish, may we please implore all pedestrians to take great care, and all car drivers to be SLOW AND SAFE on our drive and negotiating around other vehicles in the parking and drop-off areas. Thank you for your co-operation.