Free School Meals
The procedure for applying for Free School Meals has been made very much simpler. The information below explains how to apply.
Central Bedfordshire has simplified the way to claim Free School Meals (FSM). From now on, if your circumstances remain the same, the parent or carer meeting the qualifying criteria for Free School Meals for their children will only have to make one claim for the whole time the child attends any school in Central Bedfordshire. So if your child is already entitled to Free School Meals at Primary School you do not need to do anything to keep that eligibility at Manshead CE Academy. If you believe that your children are newly entitled to Free School Meals because of your circumstances then you can apply to join the scheme by telephone. There is no application form to complete and no paperwork to send in. Simply call: 0300 300 8306, This line is open 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm Friday . Parents/Carers will be written to once a year to remind them of their responsibility to report changes in their circumstances which may affect their FSM eligibility, but if your eligibility does not change you do not need to do anything to continue to qualify for Free School Meals. You may qualify if you are in receipt of the following: And your child attends a school full time in the Central Bedfordshire area. You can apply by phone on 0300 300 8306 This line is open 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm Friday. Please make sure you have the following to hand when you call: