SEND Provision
All students with special educational needs, whether physical, intellectual, social or emotional, and should, wherever possible, be fully integrated into the academy and have access to appropriate educational provision to allow them to experience a broad and balanced curriculum.
COVID-19 SEND update: Individualised Curriculum
Individualised Learning
This page provides more personalised learning for our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Any families are welcome to use the resources on this page, but they are provided to support families whose children have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or SEND Support Plan.
There are a variety of links at the bottom of this page which direct you to a wide range of different activities.
If parents need any support regarding SEND and Home Learning, or have any questions that they need to ask, please get in touch with one of our school’s SENDCOs using the following telephone number or email address:
Mr J Fleckney: or via telephone 07557 345185 (lines open Mon – Fri 10:00 am to 2:30 pm)
Mrs K Beeton:
Home Learning
It is important to remember that we make adaptations for children in school so parents can and will need to do this as well. Therefore, following the schedule is a parental and student choice. The school has been uploading work onto Show My Homework for students to engage with and whilst we would like to encourage its completion, we also understand that some learners may find this overwhelming and have some difficulties in accessing. Currently the family of any student who is on our SEND register will be receiving regular contact from our team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s). They will be able to provide you with help and advice on differentiation or scaffolding learning for your child.
Although the school provides resources for Home Learning and suggested routines, we do firmly believe that pupil well-being, and that of their families is the most important thing. With this in mind, you may wish to use some of the alternative resources listed below instead of, or in addition to the work on Show My Homework.
Show My Homework
One of the most common questions we have been receiving over the last few weeks is how to submit work on SMHW. For help, please see the handy guide below:
Additional Information and guidance for families
Central Bedfordshire Council have produced a COVID-19: ‘Key Information on SEND Processes and Pathways’ document, which includes a useful FAQs section:
The Department for Education have brought together an initial list of resources to help children learn at home:
Online resources
Twinkl are an online provider of teaching resources and are providing free access to a range of materials and resources:
Chatterpack is a voluntary run, special educational needs and disabilities hub and have a variety of useful information and resources:
Collins Free resources to help support your child’s learning at home, while schools are closed
All students with SEND are taught a full range of subjects by teachers with training and experience of adapting lessons to make them accessible, but appropriately challenging, for all students. Students have access to all aspects of the curriculum unless otherwise stated in a published EHC plan. The quality of provision for students with SEND is regularly monitored and reviewed as part of our quality assurance processes. We provide regular training throughout the year to support teachers and teaching assistants in addressing specific SEND needs ensuring that students receive ‘quality first teaching’. Teaching Assistants provide additional support in the classroom to help students access the curriculum. Special Access Arrangements are put in place for examinations when needed. Targeted students also access additional learning opportunities, our aim is to encourage and prepare all students to become independent learners. The Academy’s SENDCOs are as below: Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) Mr James Fleckney: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCO) can be contacted via email at: or via telephone on 01582 679400 ext. 298. Mrs Jade Thomas: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCO) can be contacted via email at: or via telephone on 01582 679400 ext. 279. Mr Lua Stifani: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCO) can be contacted via email at: or via telephone on 01582 679400. Manshead CE Academy’s Assistant Headteacher Curriculum Access and SENDCO is Mrs Jo Niblock, who can be contacted on 01582 679400 ext. 287 or through the Main Office email: – Aims of SEND: At Manshead CE Academy we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for students with SEND in the following ways: Our SEND policy is published in the Policies section of this website. Below are PDF copies of current advice and information leaflets published by the Partnership Service. There is also more information on the Partnership Service website at:
Evaluating Provision
SEND Parent & Young Person Partnership Service
Manshead CE Academy News
Contact Us
Manshead CE Academy
Dunstable Road
Tel: 01582 679400
Fax: 01582 679411