Our Library is a particularly wonderful space and resource, lined with books right around the walls and having more than 90 PC’s arranged in ‘turrets’ and zones.
It also has seating for quiet reading and for (quiet) group work. It is used all day every day for:
- Reading
- Teaching
- Book lending
- Private study
- Homework
- PC work
- Accelerated Reader Programme (see below)
In addition it is the base for our Librarians, who organise author visits, book boxes, reading groups and competitions, as well as managing the Library itself.
The Library is used extensively by all year groups.
Library user guides
Accelerated Reader
All Year 7, 8 and 9 students participate in Accelerated Reader. Based upon an assessment, called the STAR Reading Test, the students are given their reading age and a ZPD which guides them to a range of books which are suitable for their understanding and will develop their reading skills. All students are given a reading card which shows their reading age and ZPD. They are also given a zipped A4 wallet to keep their library book in.
The Library has a really excellent selection of books at each level and students are encouraged to choose books for themselves. Time is allocated at the start of every lesson for five minutes reading and there is also opportunity for reading during form time.
Once a book is completed the students need to do a quiz which can be accessed by using a computer in school or at home:
Log in to Renaissance Learning - Accelerated Reader
At home find it on the Manshead Academy website > quick links >AR
We recommend that students should read for at least 15 minutes per day at home. The Accelerated Reader book that each student should have in their bag is ideal for this, but reading any book is good.
If you have any questions about Accelerated Reader please speak to your child’s English teacher, Form Tutor or myself. A guide to Accelerated Reader is available below for download.
Mrs Lowther and Mrs Hopkins
Searching the school library online
Students can search for books or films using the Manshead Oliver Library system. This can be accessed from the computer beside the colour printer in the library or from the W:\ drive using their school logins. You can also use The Oliver Library link in the quick links on this website
The Virtual Library
Central Bedfordshire Virtual library has some wonderful resources that students and their families can access free of charge. The attached leaflet tells you about the e-books, audiobooks, music, magazines, newspapers and other resources available and how to access to them.
Manshead Virtual Library Leaflet
Mrs C Lowther
Librarian and Co-ordinator for Accelerated Reader
Library Opening Times
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Open before school, break, lunch and after school