Manshead Church of England Academy

Echo Reading

Echo Reading

Our Echo Reading program has yielded exceptional progress for students, with an average increase in reading age of 18 months in just a 12 week period!

Students involved in our echo reading intervention have three 20 minute sessions per week. The structure of these sessions is detailed below. Each week we will update the echo reading resources on this webpage.

Please feel free to use these resources at home to support your child’s reading.

Session 1

Echo reading is led by the teacher. This is done one sentence at a time. The teacher reads a sentence, students then read the same sentence out loud. This is repeated through to the end of the text.

Teacher corrects pronunciation where necessary and checks general understanding of the text. Have the students understood the story/article?

Session 2

Echo reading is led by the teacher. This is done one sentence at a time. The teacher reads a sentence, students then read the same sentence out loud. This is repeated through to the end of the text as in session 1.

The teacher facilitates discussion of the highlighted key vocabulary as they progress through the text. What does the word mean? Can we use it in a sentence?

The teacher asks students to identify any other vocabulary they are unsure of.

Session 3

Teacher introduces the three V, R, I (Vocabulary, Retrieval, Inference) questions that students will need to answer

Echo reading led by the teacher. This is done one sentence at a time. The teacher reads a sentence, students then read the same sentence out loud. This is repeated through to the end of the text

Students interrupt echo reading by ringing the bell when they can answer one of the VRI questions.

Topic of the Week