Manshead Church of England Academy

Sixth Form Learning Agreement

Sixth Form Learning Agreement


An informal word with a student should normally be sufficient in the majority of cases, however when a student does not respond and improve their behaviour, it may be necessary to use a more formal procedure shown below. ALL informal discussion will still need recording on Arbor.

Issue Action Key member of staff
Small number of homework / course work late or not completed

Low level disruption in class, Sixth Form Block or library

Departmental action

Discussion with student

Inform tutor


Discuss contacting home with subject tutor

Subject teacher and CL
Continued or larger number of homework / course work not completed

Continued low level disruption in class, Sixth Form block

Meeting with tutor and / or subject teacher or CL including review of Sixth Form contract


Outcomes noted on Arbor (copy to file)


Review date agreed

Letter or phone call home

Form Tutor / subject teacher or CL
Continuation of the above. Meeting with parents / carers and student

Agreed contract.

Discussion of whether Sixth Form is the correct environment

Verbal / written warning

Pastoral Sixth Form Lead / Head of Sixth Form
Failure to meet terms of contract Final written warning

Possible denial of progression into Year 13 / final exam entry


Discussion with parents / carers of options other than Manshead Sixth Form

Consider permanent exclusion

Head of Sixth Form / SLT Sixth Form Link – School Performance Associate
On rare occasions, students may be involved in serious incidents which will bypass these steps and lead to immediate intervention by the Sixth Form management team. These incidents will be dealt with in the same way as in lower school with fixed-term exclusions being one possible action. 

If the decision is made that students will not be allowed to progress into Year 13 or sit their final exams, students or parents might wish to appeal the process and if so, they must do so in writing to the Headteacher within 10 days of this decision being made.


n informal word with a student should normally be sufficient in the majority of cases, however when a student does not respond and improve their punctuality / uniform, it may be necessary to use a more formal procedure shown below. ALL informal discussion will still need recording on Arbor.

Issue Action Key member of staff
Late into Sixth Form, tutor time and / or lessons

Not wearing the correct uniform

Form tutor action – log on Arbor


Discussion with student

10min Detention after school

Subject teacher, Form tutor
Continued or larger number of lateness’ / uniform issues

Non-attendance to 10min detention

Meeting with tutor and / or subject teacher or CL including review of Sixth Form contract

Outcomes noted on Arbor (copy to file)

Lunch detention with main school

Discuss contacting home with subject tutor

Form Tutor / subject teacher or CL

Continuation of the above


Non-attendance of Lunch detention

Meeting with parents and student.

Agreed contract.

Afterschool 1 hour detention Friday 3:10-4:10pm.

Letter and phone call home

Pastoral Sixth Form Lead / Head of Sixth Form


An informal word with a student should normally be sufficient in the majority of cases, however when a student does not respond and improve their punctuality / uniform, it may be necessary to use a more formal procedure shown below. ALL informal discussion will still need recording on Arbor.

Issue Action Key member of staff

Late into Sixth Form, tutor time and / or lessons


Not wearing the correct uniform

Form tutor action – log on Arbor


Discussion with student


10min Detention afterschool

Subject teacher, Form tutor

Continued or larger number of lateness’ / uniform issues


Non-attendance to 10min detention

Meeting with tutor and/or subject teacher or CL including review of 6th form contract


Outcomes noted on Arbor (copy to file)


Lunch detention with main school


Discuss contacting home with subject tutor

Form Tutor / subject teacher or CL

Continuation of the above


Non-attendance of Lunch detention

Meeting with parent / carer and student


Agreed contract


Afterschool 1 hour detention Friday 3:10-4:10pm


Letter and phone call home

Pastoral Sixth Form Lead / Head of Sixth Form


An informal word with a student should normally be sufficient in the majority of cases, however when a student does not respond and improve their attendance, it may be necessary to use a more formal procedure shown below. ALL informal discussions will still need recording on Arbor, communication with parents / carers.

Attendance level


Action Key Member of staff
Attendance drops below 96% due to unauthorised absence or continued failure to attend tutor time or lessons Phone call home (recorded on Arbor) Form tutor
Attendance drops below 94% due to unauthorised absence or continued failure to attend tutor time or lessons

Phone call home (recorded on Arbor)


Letter sent home

Attendance is below 91% due to unauthorised absence or continued failure to attend tutor time or lessons Student and tutor meeting, followed by two weeks of monitoring Form tutor
Attendance drops below 80% due to unauthorised absence and no improvement in attendance to tutor time or lessons Student, Tutor and Parent / Carer meeting, with a further two weeks of monitoring

Form tutor- Pastoral Head of Year


Head of Sixth made aware

Attendance drops below 70% due to unauthorised absence and no improvement in attendance to tutor time or lessons Student, Tutor, Parent and Head of Sixth Form / Pastoral Head of Year, 4 weeks supervision in OBH with an hour supervised revision in Library after school Tutor and Pastoral Head of Year / Head of Sixth Form
Further days absence and no improvement in attendance to tutor time or lessons Student, Parent and Head of Sixth and Assistant Head meeting to discuss position in the academy Head of Sixth and School Performance Associate


Type of Reward How to achieve Key member of staff
Driving lessons If you earn 5 Golden tickets – you will be able to book a lesson during your one of your Independent Study sessions Subject teacher, Form tutor
Student Nominations Form tutors will nominate a student of the week from the following:

–          Punctuality

–          Effort in lessons

–          Giving back hour

–          Behaviour

Form Tutor / subject teacher or CL
Breakfast Morning Once a term, students who have been nominated will attend a reward Breakfast to celebrate their efforts and one will be randomly selected to receive a voucher Pastoral Sixth Form Lead / Head of Sixth Form

INDEPENDENT STUDY - new strategy, new aproach

Staff – are expected to monitor work, check what students are doing on the computer and manage the noise level. Any student not following instructions will need to be reported on Arbor and given a detention, teachers are expected to be fully engaged with the monitoring of their class during this hour.

Independent Study - The expectation is that all students should be engaged and working, a register will be taken at the start of the lesson, if you need to access the library you are to inform the staff member on duty. Students should be engaged and working at the tables, or computers.

The expectation of students to utilise this time more effectively, teachers will have set work in this time that will either extend from the lesson they have just completed or contribute to upcoming lessons.

We are continually looking to stretch and challenge students further with their knowledge in their subject(s) this will prove to be a benefit to their progress and subsequently their grades.

Having reflected on independent study, we have been asking ourselves about the impact and usage of it and students’ progress.

We thought about the work students are completing during this time, and whether the time being utilised effectively.

Do our ‘nice students’ just look busy, but their grades do not actually match?

Do some of our students just look like they are playing with the mouse, or say they are using their phones to complete tasks and half hour later still nothing is done?

So, through multiple discussions both externally and internally we have come to the decision that the structure needs to be adapted so independent study is used effectively bridge gaps in knowledge and understanding so students using their non-contact time effectively.


An effective module based on the Horsforth Quadrant is:

Quadrant Student Characteristics
A:  high effort, high progress
  • Strongly motivated.
  • Keen to improve by targeting weaknesses.
  • Can apply knowledge and skills independently.
B:  low effort, high progress
  • Lacks motivation to improve.
  • Easily distracted. Distracting?
  • Lacks commitment and application.
C:  high effort, low progress
  • Strongly motivated.
  • Keen to improve but unsure how.
  • Struggles with independent learning.
  • Working hard in the wrong way/on the wrong things.
D:  low effort, low progress
  • Lacks motivation.
  • Easily distracted.
  • Apathetic / low self-esteem.
  • Behavioural/ emotional / SEND needs?

 By using this strategic method, we will be directing and monitoring students independent study work which in turn should have a greater impact on their progress and outcomes in your subject.


Independent study will be divided into the following:

Strategy per session:

  1. Flipped learning
  2. Extended research and/or reading
  3. Assessment questions, dissecting, and feedback
  4. Task completion and response to feedback
  5. Interleaving (Previous content) and revision resources.

Each student in September once they have received their timetable, will write on their independent study timetable the following structure, this will then be photocopied and kept in the sixth form blocks for staff to access.

Teachers will be expected to set work under each heading based on the needs of students (characteristics).


QSA – Quiet Study Area

In addition to this, students will be timetabled x4 QSA hours on their timetable, which means they will be working in B3 in silence, it will be compulsory, a register will be taken, and students will be expected to bring some work from the structure above to complete independently.

Students will not have access to any computers so work must be prepared in advance to bring, please with the consider what independent study work you are setting.

Any student that has missed a deadline, or not completed homework/coursework will have additional time in the QSA to complete work, this will be picked up daily during form time by myself and Heather. Please with this communicate with us if this happens in your subject.


Exam Hour

An exam hour will be introduced on the student’s timetables, each option block will be on a rotation as to when an assessment will be. (This will be sent out of a separate document)

The exam hour will be supervised, staff will need to make sure that the assessments are printed prior to the date required and placed in HM pigeonhole and dated.

This session time will be link with the PE hour on the Year 12 timetables and will apply to Year 13’s.

  • - Year 13 will have this option rotation once a week.
  • - Year 12 will have this option rotation once a fortnight started after the first half term (due to lack of content taught in September).

The rationale being it will allow for staff to focus on delivering more content during lessons and for additional assessment to provide increased exposure to mixed topic papers and increased practice to exam skills. There will be additional validated data to inform judgements and will contribute to both student and parent discussions.