Manshead Church of England Academy

Medical Welfare

Medical Welfare

The Medical Welfare Room is located in the LINC and provides a service to all students and staff who are unwell, injured or who have any medical or welfare concerns

If students feel unwell during the academy day, they should report to the Medical Welfare Officer:

Mrs A Cousins.

In addition to Mrs Cousins, we also have 20 qualified first aiders around the site and three defibrillators which are located in the following areas:

  • In the LINC
  • In the Sport Hall
  • In Reception

Academy policy states that students should not phone home themselves and ask parents or carers to pick them up. If, after assessment going home is the right option then the academy will make the phone call to parents / carers. When reporting to the Medical Welfare room, a note or yellow card is required from teachers during lesson time; when returning to class a note will also be given. The academy supports all students who have medical conditions.

If medication needs to be taken in the Academy, forms can be obtained from Reception or accessed in the DSAMAT Administration of Medicines Policy. All medications are securely locked away and no more than one week’s supply should be sent to the academy. A record of administration times will be maintained in the medical room. Asthma inhalers may be carried by the student, a spare labelled one may also be kept in the medical room. EpiPen and Diabetic medication can also be stored in the Medical Welfare room.

All medication to be administered must be brought in by the parent / carer and any out of date medication should be collected by parents / carers for disposal.

The Welfare Officer welcomes information from parents and carers regarding their child’s medical issues and is always happy to discuss this either by telephone or a meeting in the academy. Please contact Mrs A Cousins on 01582 679400 ext. 242

Manshead has a linked Community Health School Nurse that will come to school when required. The nurse can offer advice to students on difficulties such as health, diet, relationships, smoking, and alcohol. They will also be able to signpost to other external agencies as needed.