Manshead Church of England Academy

Physical Education

Physical Education

''Do you know what my favourite part of the game is? The opportunity to play.''

 Mike Singletary



1. 100% participation in Physical Education lessons.

2. To offer a range of activities in which all students will participate.

3. To provide differentiated lessons which are accessible to all.

4. For students to learn through fun lessons.

5. To offer a range of OSHL (Out of School Hours Learning) activities to cater for all students.

6. Provide a safe environment in which all students can learn.



Manshead CE Academy believes that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is a vital part of a pupil’s physical development and well-being.

A balanced curriculum should provide a mixture of individual, paired and group activities which present co-operative, collaborative and competitive situations in order to take account of individual needs.

The above, experienced within a range of activity areas, aim to promote a broad base of knowledge, skills and understanding across the different PE experiences across the academy.

These include:

Core PE

All students at the academy from years 7-12 participate in Core PE lessons. In these lessons pupils work on a ‘carousel’ completing units of work in a wide range of sports and health and fitness opportunities throughout the year, thus allowing them to gain a wide range of knowledge and wisdom in a variety of sports and activities.

At Key Stage 4 students have the option to do further PE:

BTEC Level 2 Tech Sport

The Tech Award in Sport is for learners who want to acquire sector-specific applied knowledge and skills through vocational contexts by exploring the different types and providers of sport and physical activity and the equipment and technology available for participation as part of their Key Stage 4 learning. They will also explore the different types of participants and their needs in order to gain an understanding of how to increase participation for others in sport and physical activity and further develop their knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology. Learners will undertake practical sessions to develop skills in planning and delivering sports activity sessions to participants.

There are 3 components to the course:

-Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity. This involves planning and leading a warmup

-Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance: This involves planning and leading a coaching session for your chosen sport.

-Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity. This involves learning about the components of fitness.

How will I be assessed

Components 1 and 2 are assessed through non-exam internal assessment. The non-exam internal assessment for these components has been designed to demonstrate application of the conceptual knowledge underpinning the sector through realistic tasks and activities.

There is one external assessment, Component 3, which provides the main synoptic assessment for the qualification. Component 3 builds directly on Components 1 and 2 and enables learning to be brought together and related to a real-life situation. The assessment will be completed in 1.5 hours

If pupils stay on for sixth form, they will have the opportunity to continue their studies in sport and understand the following topics applying them to sporting situations

BTEC L3 Sport

-Anatomy and Physiology

-Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well Being Professional

-Development in the Sports Industry

-Practical Sports Performance

Core PE 100% StatementBTEC Sport 100% Statement

PE Curriculum Intent


Our department aims to:

Provide a broad and balanced physical education curriculum intending to increase students’ self-confidence and physical and mental development.

Develop the ability of students to work independently and to respond appropriately to others regardless of age, gender, cultural or ethnic background. 

Encourage an appreciation of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the effects of such on a healthy body and mind

Develop an understanding of the factors that affect health and fitness.

Provide a challenging and stimulating environment for students where they are able to display their ability and be stretched and challenged.

Students are presented with opportunities to be creative, competitive, co-operative and to face challenges as individuals, in small groups or teams.

They will learn to think in different ways to suit the different challenges.

They will be allowed opportunities to demonstrate their learning and to use a range of teacher, peer and self-assessment.

The schemes of work will promote both continuity and progression.

PE lessons are planned for inclusion of all students. Tasks and materials are differentiated to allow this to happen.

Curriculum Overview 

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring








Year 7- 9

Core PE

Skill / Technique

Invasion Games and Gymnastics Invasion Games and Gymnastics Invasion Games Fitness Testing and Training Athletics Striking and Fielding
Year 10-11

Core PE

Rules /

Regulations / Tactics

Invasion Games and Gymnastics Invasion Games and Gymnastics Invasion Games Fitness Testing and Training Athletics Striking and Fielding
Year 10 BTEC Components of Fitness Officials and Rules Coaching Plan Component Tests Types of Training Principles of Training
Year 11 BTEC Training Zones Provision of Sport Warm up plan Equipment and Technology Motivation
Year 12 BTEC

Skeletal System

Muscular System

Respiratory System

Cardiovascular System

Energy Systems

Lifestyle Factors Nutritional Needs Training Design Rules / Laws of Game
Year 13 BTEC Skills and Techniques Assess own performance Career Pathways Recruitment Activities Review


Manshead School offers a wide range of lunch time and after school activities. These activities are open to all students regardless of age or ability level.

Clubs have been started with the input of students offering competitive, recreational, team and individual activities.

Students have access to the department’s PowerPoints and knowledge organisers on the portal, alongside all the work that needs to be completed including homework, giving parents the opportunity to support their children

Finally, in order to support students who may need some extra help, we run lunchtime drop-in sessions for all years who can get help on their homework without having to arrange it with a teacher beforehand. 

Manshead Physical Education Department Student Expectations and Sanctions

It is expected that students all own the compulsory PE kit as below and bring the correct kit for their lesson. If pupils forget their kit they will be expected to borrow kit.

  • Manshead or Blue / Black shorts
  • White/Black socks
  • Manshead Polo shirt
  • Manshead PE Jacket
  • Trainers
  • Football Boots
  • Shin pads
  • Blue / Black Tracksuit Bottoms (No Leggings)

Hats, gloves and thermals are only allowed outside between October half term and Easter.

The following are expected of all students in all PE lessons:

  • Always bring your correct kit to all lessons
  • If you bring a note due to illness or injury you must still bring your PE kit
  • Be organised – know when you have PE and whether you are inside or outside.
  • Never wear any jewellery in lessons
  • Never chew gum
  • Talk to your teacher about medical issues
  • Do not bring valuables to PE but if you must – hand them in – Do not leave anything in the changing rooms. The PE department are not liable for the valuables if they go missing
  • Be prepared to come to every lesson with a smile and try your best
  • Have fun!

Curriculum Planning 

Physical Education is organised into themes to allow for students to develop skills across broader area for example, football is taught alongside rugby and hockey to allow the skills of invasion games to transfer across.

The role of writing schemes of work is shared among all members of the PE department who are all aware of the content of each. These schemes of work are updated regularly.

Schemes of work are progressive and differentiated to allow all students to access the curriculum.

Teaching and Learning 

The organisation of Physical Education in the school promotes teaching and learning.

Children are presented with opportunities to be creative, competitive, co-operative and to face challenges as individuals, in small groups or teams.

They will learn to think in different ways to suit the different challenges.

They will be allowed opportunities to demonstrate their learning and to use a range of teacher, peer and self-assessment.

The schemes of work will promote teaching and learning as it provides both continuity and progression.

Equipment and Resources 

A selection of resources are available for all sports and the curriculum is arranged so that PE groups have equal access to all facilities and equipment throughout the year.

Students are encouraged to:

  • Look after equipment
  • Use different resources to promote learning
  • Return all resources tidily and to the correct place
  • Be told of any safety procedures relating to the carrying, handling and use of any resources.

Any resource that becomes damaged or broken which could cause subsequent injury will be isolated from use until it can be checked and made safe. Students could be asked to replace equipment if intentionally broke.

Safe Practice

All teachers are aware of the health and safety requirements of teaching all the sporting areas within the curriculum. The school teaches within the guidelines provided by BAALPE “Safe Practice in Physical Education”

Students will be taught how to carry and use equipment in the correct way. They are taught to recognise hazardous situations, assess the risks and take steps to control the risks.

Differentiation, Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

PE lessons are planned for inclusion of all students. Tasks and materials are differentiated to allow this to happen.

Special Educational Needs are identified by the SEND department at the start of the school year and classroom support is given by Teaching Assistants to these identified students.

Every student has equal access to national curriculum physical education.

All students in the school have equal opportunity in terms of curriculum balance, curriculum time, use of resources, use of facilities and access to extra-curricular activities.

Out of Hours School Learning (OHSL)

Manshead  offers a wide range of lunch time and after school activities. These activities are open to all students regardless of age or ability level.

Clubs have been started with the input of students offering competitive, recreational, team and individual activities.

Staff will notify students of any cancellations of practices and clubs as soon as possible.

Foul Weather

In the event of weather conditions making it impossible to participate in planned activities, alternative arrangements will be made.

Whenever possible students will participate in a modified practical lesson in another space. Where this is not possible to due to numbers, students will participate in a classroom based session centred around the physical education curriculum.

Loss of Teaching Time / Space

Whenever it is not possible to teach the planned PE lesson, teachers will always endeavour to re-visit the lesson again as soon as possible or as soon as fits in with the curriculum.

Elite Performers

We aim to create an environment where all students flourish and are able to develop their ability and talents to the full. With this in mind the purpose of the policy is to give a clear understanding of how the elite students within the school can be identified, supported and monitored to ensure the development of their potential as a whole.

Our department aims to:

  • Provide a challenging and stimulating environment for elite students where they are able to display their ability
  • Ensure elite students are stretched and challenged
  • Allow staff the training and support so they can recognise and make the curriculum sufficiently challenging for elite students
  • To identify, challenge and support able pupils through the organisation of the curriculum and the extra-curricular opportunities.
  • To encourage and support talent through emphasising the benefits and challenges of being a talented performer.
  • To help students set targets to achieve their potential.


Elite students should demonstrate a number of these characteristics;

  • Student achieves high marks for effort and achievement at the end of an activity and a high NC level
  • Student regularly receives rewards for her achievements and effort
  • Student is a member of extra-curricular clubs;
    * Student represents school at certain activities;
  • Student represents district, county or representative team
  • Student has a good level of fitness, sometimes having a particular strength in stamina, speed or strength and has a good understanding of a healthy lifestyle
  • Student has natural leadership ability, volunteers their services for after school clubs or other sporting activities or has completed a leadership award


 Staff will follow the school policy and apply credits and subject rewards where deemed necessary.


Sanctions will follow the school wide sanctions and Behaviour Management Policy