Manshead Church of England Academy



''Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.''

Albert Einstein

Knowledge and Wisdom in Music The Performing Arts assists in the creation of emotionally mature and well-rounded individuals whose experience of collaboration, performance and creativity will provide them with the knowledge they will need to lead teams, communicate effectively in business, present their ideas and concepts with confidence and tenacity and the resilience to get feedback and come back stronger.

Students will complete their studies having learnt how to compose, devise, appraise, empathise, collaborate and create performances, encouraging them to think outside the box through the freedom of their own expression.

Curriculum and Teaching and Learning Overview

At Key Stage 3 every child has one hour of both Music and Drama with a creative curriculum being chosen for year 9 and then options for both subjects at Key Stage 4.


The Performing Arts at Manshead are fully inclusive and develop every child’s ability to work cooperatively and creatively in a safe and supportive environment.  The arts give students a variety of skills sought after by employers and universities as well as growing them as a member of a wider community through group work, communication and enhancing self-confidence through various situations. Students will explore cultural issues, historical periods, theatrical practice and a published play for each year of study in Drama and Music encompasses a range of other subjects throughout the school such as; art, humanities, science, mathematics, and modern foreign languages showing that an appreciation of the arts aids learning in multiple areas across the curriculum and a wider knowledge and understanding of the world beyond the classroom.


The main value of the arts at Manshead is to create and develop students who are intuitive, creative, resilient, innovative, self-motivated and who challenge common misconceptions, opening up a world of expression and setting them up with the skills needed for a wide range of employment opportunities.

Learning beyond the classroom

The Performing Arts faculty offers an extensive program of learning beyond the classroom. Our biggest project is the annual whole school production which is open to all students in all year groups within the school. The production encourages students to be involved both on and off stage with our school community running the technical, backstage and set design each year. This huge collaboration breaks down barriers and inhibitions between year groups and is a huge reward for all involved.


In Music we run two teacher led ensembles which consists of a choir and a ukulele club. Alongside a student led rock band. Each of these groups rehearse once a week, either at lunch or after school and have many performance opportunities. We also offer a yearly Christmas and Summer ensemble which is used to showcase all of the wonderful musical talents Manshead has to offer. Additionally, all students are encouraged to use the space available to put together their own groups and songs. Performance showcases such as battle of the bands and various talent shows are just a few of the opportunities. 


At Manshead we also offer private instrumental lessons with a range of talented peripatetic teachers. The lessons available are: Voice, brass, woodwind, saxophone, clarinet, guitar, drums, and piano.

Evenings of Drama are presented by exam groups and are open to friends and family to produce a supportive but more formal environment for exam candidates and their performance assessments.


A KS3 Drama Club runs in the last term building to a performance to parents towards the end of the year. This club is inclusive for any student who would like an opportunity to work with different people in a more focused and challenging environment.


Parents / carers of Performing Arts students are encouraged to support time at home for rehearsal, line learning and practice for these subjects to enhance and further develop the learning experience.


Curriculum Overview